
The 242 Network is serious about reaching the lost and un-churched people in the state of MS, the South, and beyond.
Planting Process
Planting Process

What’s it like to be one of our church planters? We’re prepared to take the long journey to getting started with you.

Our experienced hub leaders will be with you every step of the way to guide, encourage, and pray as you seek God’s will to start a new church.

There are 3 stages in our planting process. Each stage is designed to help you plan, evaluate, and execute goals efficiently when planting your church.

Planting Steps

Step 1

Assess Leaders

Step 2

Train Leaders

Step 3

Support Planters

One of the most dangerous things you can do is set out to plant a church without solid confirmation of your calling.

Why should I go through an Assessment?

Church planting is not for everyone. A comprehensive two-part assessment is used for all church-planting candidates: online and in-person. The online inventories score an individual’s leadership, personality, strengths, evangelistic abilities, and marital health.


Following the online inventories, an affordable yet thorough Assessment Retreat is conducted to complete the process. Potential planters and their spouses attend a two-day intensive retreat where they interact with a team of 6 different assessors, including seasoned church planters (and wives), a marriage counselor, emotional and spiritual health counselor, personal growth coach, business professional, and others. The 48-hour experience is highly interactive and results in a unique personal growth plan.


Another distinct value to our process is what happens following the online inventories and two-
day retreat. Afterwards, a candidate and spouse meet with their parent church pastor. A member of the assessment team then shares the results simultaneously with planter, spouse, and pastor, identifying strengths and needs, walking through the personal growth plan, and ultimately making a recommendation as to whether or not a candidate is ready to proceed with training. The 242 Network Assessment uses a process developed by the Launch Group, an experienced church planter assessment and training organization. Launch’s experience has been that approximately 53% of potential planters are recommended to continue at that point with church planter training. If proceeding, the personal growth plan serves as a guide to customize the church planter’s training experience. If an individual is not yet ready for Training, the assessment process and personal growth plan still prove valuable in working closely with their pastor to further prepare or better identify a fit in ministry.

Are you called to plant?

By joining in with us, we expect you to be as passionate and dedicated to the mission of Christ as we are. You are called to help people come to Jesus and we are called to help you do it. Our Planter Process includes training and coaching to help you develop a plan for your church and goals to meet.

By submitting this basic info form you are letting us know that you want to work with the 242 Network to start your church planting journey as a potential planter or potential partner church.

After this form is submitted, a 242 Network team member will connect with you about next steps.

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