Assess Leaders


A planter must complete various on-line applications and assessment instruments for the planter and his spouse. These must be completed at least a month before the assessment.


Each planter must have a parent church that is willing to work with and invest both time and money in him and his new church for several years. The Parent church must agree to this role prior to the planter’s assessment.


This is a two day retreat that the planter and his wife must participate in. Out of this intense assessment a planter and his parent church leadership will receive feedback on the planter’s readiness to plant, with a focus on verifying his call to plant a church.

You will find more information regarding the Assessment as you scroll down the page. You can also check Assessment dates by following the 242 Network Facebook Page.


Using feedback from his assessment, the planter will work with his Parent church and his coach to prepare his Personal Growth Plan. This living document will clearly state the areas the planter needs to work on to improve his leadership capability and prepare him for planting.


This is a meeting with the planter and a representative from his parent church where they receive feedback on the planter from one or more of the individual assessors involved in the Assessment Retreat.

Are You Called To Plant?

By joining in with us, we expect you to be as passionate and dedicated to the mission of Christ as we are. You are called to help people come to Jesus and we are called to help you do it. Our Planter Process includes training and coaching to help you develop a plan for your church and goals to meet.

By submitting this basic info form you are letting us know that you want to work with the 242 Network to start your church planting journey as a potential planter or potential partner church.

After this form is submitted, a 242 Network team member will connect with you about next steps.

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